So. Wow. This is awkward. So, I haven't written in a while. I also.... man... I also have not been on my diet at all. This whole challenge my boyfriend and I entered into kind of fell flat. I gained almost 10 pounds, and he gained more than that. But, we've both turned a corner, I think. At any rate, I've gotten uber-serious.
I was very upset with myself for gaining the weight back after I worked so hard with my Emmalou to loose it. But, being temporarily with my parents made me revert to my pre-teen days (when I had crazy high metabolism could eat what I wanted) and just being lazy at home in general. My mom made amazingly delicious foods that I ate waaay to large portion sizes of. Also, I've been stressed out a lot about finding a full-time job, plus on the road every weekend to see the Beau. I just haven't made good choices.
So, I decided to go on weight-watchers. I sort of did it last year with my former co-workers, but I didn't follow it too tightly because I was training for a 5k and swimming 2x a week, plus was on a self imposed fast food restriction... hence the loosing 17 lbs. Well, I'm going full force this time. I'm going to meetings with my friend Christina. I'm in the middle of my 2nd week doing it. And I have some exciting news. At my first weigh-in..............
..............I LOST 2.4 pounds! I was pretty stoked. My plan is to lose 2 lbs a week up until May... I have a wedding to go to that I'd love to be 30 lbs lighter for... so hopefully I will be able to reach that goal.
I'm also adding mini-goals each week. My first week's goals were to watch portion sizes, be good about tracking points, and make healthy choices. I was successful with that.... next week's goals are to drink more water and add running back into the mix.
Also, the ladies at my church have started a work-out group on Tues/Thurs. That is really nice, I've been going to that. It's laid back but still makes me sweat.
My biggest concern is actually getting the job (even though I really really really want it). I'm worried I won't stick everything, since I'll be going to a new job and I'll be living in a new place, and will be setting new routines and the like, but since the Beau is supportive of the losing weight, plus he needs to lose weight, I think it will be good. I just have to find a WW group to go to down there, which shouldn't be a problem at all... I'd really like to find a running group or something down there to - or at least a running buddy - so I have something that will make me run.
All in all, I have high hopes for this go 'round. Plus, you never know, I may need to be planning for a wedding soon, so I might as well get a jump start on the losing weight to look amazing in my wedding dress, right? :)
Over & Out - E